Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, July 29, 2007
Weekly Gold and Silver Technical Analysis Report - 29th July 2007 - Technically Precious with Merv / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Merv_Burak
So, this is what it looks like when you go over the cliff. Danger, professionals at work, do not try this on your own. With a future's volume of over 253,000 on Thursday (the highest daily volume in my 20 years of data), these must be the “professionals” all following the leader like lemmings.
Who's the Boss?
No sooner does one revert back to the bullish side (as I did last week) but the market slaps him on the fingers and shows him who's the boss. The market is just not listening to those of us who would like to see higher gold prices.
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Gold and Silver Analysis - Precious Metals Take Less of a Beating than Stocks / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Joe_Nicholson
“The Fed's approach to monetary policy may force it to cut rates if the subprime and credit issues reduce overall demand for base money… In addition to the technical indicator provided by the 5-week and 5-day moving averages shown above, the fundamental outlook for the intermediate term is based on this potential devaluation of the dollar if the Fed is forced by credit issues to intervene.” ~ Precious Points: Good as Gold , July 21, 2007
“Bernanke's speech was exactly the sort of rhetoric you'd expect from a man prepared to undertake a massive devaluation to try and stave off a credit crisis.” ~ Precious Points: Are Metals Next , July 14, 2007
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Gold Stock Prices Turned Back Down (Again) – Where to now? / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Greg_Silberman
Gold Stock prices have been turned back again from major resistance. The 3rd time in a year! What does it mean? Are we entering another gut wrenching correction or will we reverse higher?
Can I be forgiven for asking if Gold shares will ever break out?
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Great Time to Accumulate Quality Coal Stocks for the Long-term / Commodities / Coal
By: Elliot_H_Gue
We're now in the heart of earnings season for the energy patch. By and large, energy companies have reported impressive numbers, but there are some clear winners and losers.
Some of the losers this quarter were the coal stocks, which have seen unprecedented selling pressure during the past two weeks and haven't reacted well to their earnings releases. I think the weakness is vastly overdone.
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Gold Positive: Iran wants Yen from Japan Not the US Dollar for Crude Oil - Who and what next? / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
At the heart of the global monetary system lies the use of the U.S.$ as the currency used to pay for the globe's oil. Any change in that role has a disproportionate impact on the importance of the $ as well as its value relative to the globe's other currencies. If the oil producing nations of the world decided to use other currencies for oil payments then the global monetary system itself is undermined, making gold more attractive and long-term a safer place to hold one's savings.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Gold Secular Bull Market Versus US Dollar Secular Bear Market / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Zeal_LLC
Over the past couple weeks the financial markets have burst free from their usual summer doldrums to provide some welcome excitement. Prices that have long seemed locked in stasis with trivial daily moves are now witnessing dramatically increased volatility. It is great to see the markets getting interesting again!
While mainstream attention remains focused on the rising amplitude and frequency of down days in the general stock markets, the volatility in the currencies has also accelerated considerably. As a dollar-denominated American investor and speculator riding the secular gold bull, I've found the behavior of gold and the US Dollar Index particularly intriguing lately.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
Daily London Gold Market Report - Gold Bargain Hunting on Pull Back / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Adrian_Ash
GOLD FELL BACK from an overnight rally in Asia during in the first-half of London trade on Friday, giving back $3.50 per ounce to record an AM Fix of $663.50.
"Yesterday's fall in the gold market was a pure reaction to the equities market," reckons Ng Cheng Thye, head of precious metals at Standard Bank Asia.
"This morning we saw a lot of bargain hunting."
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Friday, July 27, 2007
When Is It Time To "Worry" About Our Gold and Silver Investments? - Part 2 / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Investmentscore.com
In part one of this article ( July 12, 2007 ) we established that it may not be helpful to worry about our investments during relatively "normal" market conditions and behaviors. Take silver and gold for example.
- June, July and August regularly means a seasonally weak price action for silver and gold.
- During this time of year investor and commentator expectations and sentiments are generally negative.
- Metals price chart patterns forming which are similar to previous bullish patterns such as 2005 where a year and a half correction preceded a significant price advance.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Daily London Gold Market Report - Gold Short-term Weakness / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Adrian_Ash
SPOT GOLD PRICES held flat from last night's US close by lunchtime in London on Thursday, pulling back $2 from an overnight spike to trade at $675.50 per ounce.
The metal had earlier closed Hong Kong unchanged at the same level. Gold dealers in the crucial Indian market – where jewelry and investment-bar demand accounted for one ounce of gold in every five sold worldwide last year – reported slower sales after gold's recent rally to 11-week highs against the Dollar.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
GOLD THOUGHTS - Gold Above $700 Justified by Fundementally Weak US Dollar / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Ned_W_Schmidt
Let's see if we can sort this out. Bank One invests client money in leveraged CDO fund managed by Bank Two. Bank One lends money to leveraged fund. Leveraged fund collapses to “negligible value” under Bank Two's expertise with CDOs. Clients of Bank One lose their money .Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Optimistic Negative Correlations Between Banking and Gold Stock Sectors / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Jim_Willie_CB
An unusual chart is presented, since the Broker Dealers sit at the nexus of the massive asset-backed bond ‘con game' perpetrated upon the nation and the world. The extent of possible fraud will be sure to be unraveled. They sold acidic bonds, over-rated, misrepresented, opaque as a stone in their fundamentals and inner workings. REVENGE IS BEING DOLED OUT TO THIS DEEPLY CORRUPT GROUP, which boldly write in covenants to obstruct lawsuits by limiting legal liability. As the Broker Dealer XBD stock index suffers deep wounds, the USFed will be compelled to rescue them, since their components are INSIDERS on Wall Street.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
MPTrader - Crude Oil Resurges! / Commodities / Oil Companies
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Yesterday at this time it certainly looked as though oil was kaput -- on the way to the bowels of the earth (where it is fond). Not any more, right? Today's nearly $2 upmove in the US Oil Fund (AMEX: USO) and crude oil futures comes right off of the sharply rising 20 DMA (we discussed the powerful support level yesterday), and leads me to revert back to my commentary from a few days ago, which outlined the "final" (higher) targets off of the multi-month base pattern (shown below) of 78 and 84.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Buy Feed Corn: They're about to stop making it… / Commodities / Ethanol
By: F_William_Engdahl
That bowl of Kellogg's Cornflakes on the breakfast table, or the portion of pasta or corn tortillas, cheese or meat on the table is going to rise in price over the coming months as sure as the sun rises in the East. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the new world food price shock, conveniently timed to accompany our current world oil price shock.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Investing in Groceries / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities
By: Money_and_Markets
Sean Brodrick writes: You've probably heard plenty of talk about how rising demand for ethanol is driving up the price of corn. But that's just the tip of the iceberg lettuce.
Food prices of all types are rising at a fast clip around the world. In fact, they're up an average of 23% in the past 18 months, according to data from the International Monetary Fund.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Daily London Gold Market Report - Gold Falls to Trendline Support on Dollar Rally / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Adrian_Ash
SPOT GOLD PRICES fell below $680 for the first time in four sessions early Wednesday, sinking 1.3% from Tuesday's peak to dip beneath $677 per ounce – the current trendline of the rally starting in late June.
The severe pullback in gold only came for US investors, however, as the US Dollar bounced hard from a near record-low on its trade-weighted index. Knocking nearly one cent off the Euro inside three hours – and coming on the back of no economic data whatsoever – the Dollar's sharp rally kept the Euro Price of Gold in a tight range around €493 per ounce.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
China Using More Natural Gas Vehicles / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: James_Finch
Imagine driving up to your local gas station and filling your car's tank with natural gas instead petrol? More and more, this has become the case in some parts of China.
We were excited that someone else finally brought it up.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
GOLD: What's Next? / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Aden_Forecast
The nagging reality that gold's bull market is 6 ½ years old has caused many to think that gold should have a decent correction this year.
Who would've thought in May, 2006 when gold shot up to $722 that a year later gold would have trouble getting near the $700 level? This does sound toppy, but gold is telling us to stay invested.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Gold: Insurance or Risk Asset? / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Adrian_Ash
"...Could the trend of gold up, everything else up, have just reached its end...?"
IT TOOK A WHILE for the financial media to catch on. "Gold funds fattened on war, global instability and a falling Dollar in 2003," said USA Today as the next year began.
The paper failed to note that none of those calamities had stalled the equity markets ongoing recovery. "Gold bugs hope that 2004 will be even better," it went on, "but an outbreak of good news could dash those hopes."
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Agricultural Commodities The Next Great Inflation Hedge / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities
By: Michael_Pento
The best way to protect your wealth from the ravages of inflation is to invest in a tangible asset whose supply cannot be increased at the same rate as the currency it is being measured in. Even better is to invest in an asset with growing demand and limited supply whose intrinsic value is increasing.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
ASX XGD Breakout – Gold Rules! / Commodities / Gold & Silver
By: Neil_Charnock
With several key gold stock “break outs” being reported around the globe at present – I have another confirmation for you all – the Australian gold index has broken to the upside as well. Physical gold is a little overbought short term – very short term but I don't expect a deep correction or a long correction just a dip – for now let's look at the companies because they often show strength before physical metals launch. The important 5000 point level has now been broken in the ASX Gold Index – the little known XGD Index (little known even in Australia ) and here is a chart thanks to our friends at Yahoo Finance. You will note the strong RSI level achieved back in April at +80 which warned us this was possible - and now the most important test is the break at the 5000 level.Read full article... Read full article...