Monday, January 02, 2017
Get Ready for the Future - Exponential Machine Intelligence Mega-trend towards Singularity / News_Letter / Technology
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle Newsletter10th October, 2016 Issue # 25 Vol. 10
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Monday, January 02, 2017
Good News - Washington Frozen Out of Syria Peace Plan / Politics / Syria
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
As the US mainstream media obsessed last week about Russia's supposed "hacking" of the US elections and President Obama's final round of Russia sanctions in response, something very important was taking place under the media radar. As a result of a meeting between foreign ministers of Russia, Iran, and Turkey last month, a ceasefire in Syria has been worked out and is being implemented. So far it appears to be holding, and after nearly six years of horrible warfare the people of Syria are finally facing the possibility of rebuilding their lives.
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Monday, January 02, 2017
Bitcoin Price Breaks Above $1,000 On First Day of 2017 / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Jeff_Berwick
In the first hours of 2017, bitcoin has surpassed the $1,000 USD mark.
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Monday, January 02, 2017
Biased 2017 Forecasts - Civic Decay and Global Disorder (2/2) / Politics / Social Issues
By: James_Quinn
In Part One of this article I discussed the failure of our brains to think rationally due to our biases and the relentless propaganda flogged by our Deep State ruling class. Viewing the future through the looking glass of the Fourth Turning keeps you focused on the three catalysts which will drive all events in 2017 and beyond. I’ve addressed my 2017 Debt forecast in Part One. Now I will make some guesses about what might happen in 2017 related to Civic Decay and Global Disorder.
Monday, January 02, 2017
Gold: Getting There A Little At A Time / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: John_Rubino
One of life’s hardest-to-learn but most necessary lessons is that things usually take a lot longer to work out than you’d like them to.
That’s where the sayings “Being too early is the same as being wrong” and “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent” come from.
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Monday, January 02, 2017
No UK House Prices Brexit Crash 2016 Despite London Weakness, Forecast 2017 / Housing-Market / UK Housing
By: Nadeem_Walayat
UK house prices ended 2016 up 7.2% (provisional) despite London house prices weakness that according to the Nationwide increased by an average of just 3.7%, near half the UK rate. This illustrates why so many housing market analyst / journalists got UK house prices so badlty wrong for 2016 as they mistakenly latched onto London weakness as sign for a imminent UK housing market bear market or worse a Brexit CRASH After all the consensus view was that if London was weak then the rest of the UK would be suffering far worse. This view was liberally regurgitated across the mainstream press all year.
Sunday, January 01, 2017
The Stock Market Has Topped. Next Up the US Dollar Driven Bloodbath / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Graham_Summers
The momentum driven post election rally has ended. Next up is the US Dollar driven collapse in the markets.
Copper called this weeks ago as we noted before. No one listed. It’s now down nearly 10% from its peak and clinging to support for dear life.
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Sunday, January 01, 2017
Is China About to Demand the US Dollar Lose Reserve Currency Status? / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Graham_Summers
The biggest issue in the financial system… the issue that CNBC is completely avoiding… and 99% of professionals are ignoring is the US DOLLAR.
The US Dollar has ripped to 103.
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Sunday, January 01, 2017
Gold And Silver 2017 – The Golden Lye / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: Michael_Noonan
Lye – [noun] a strongly alkaline solution, esp. of potassium hydroxide, used for washing or cleansing.
There has indeed been an ongoing cleansing in the precious metals market since the spike highs five years ago. Remember, there have been calls for a massive turnaround in prices for both gold and silver since 2013…2014…again, even more so in 2015. 2016 has just freshly passed, and both metals continue to flirt with their lows from a year ago. A few years ago, all the rage was for the man and woman on the street to be buying gold and silver coins, long lines, especially in China, forming for blocks to make purchases for the inevitable rally “sure” to soon follow.
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Sunday, January 01, 2017
Biased 2017 Forecasts - Debt, Housing and Stock Market (1/2) / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2017
By: James_Quinn
A couple weeks ago I was lucky enough to see a live one hour interview with Michael Lewis at the Annenberg Center about his new book The Undoing Project. Everyone attending the lecture received a complimentary copy of the book. Being a huge fan of Lewis after reading Liar’s Poker, Boomerang, The Big Short, Flash Boys, and Moneyball, I was interested to hear about his new project. This was a completely new direction from his financial crisis books. I wasn’t sure whether it would keep my interest, but the story of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky and their research into the psychology of judgement and decision making, creating a cognitive basis for common human errors that arise from heuristics and biases, was an eye opener.
Sunday, January 01, 2017
President Donald Trump's 2017 New Year Message, BBC Fake News, Was 2016 a Dream? / Politics / US Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
President Elect Donald Trumps's frank and truthful New Year Message to all americans of what to expect come January 20th. Whilst the mainstream media in a desperate attempt to survive has now decided to embrace fake news as illustrated by BBC. And lastly, did BrExit and Trump really happen? Or was 2016 all just a dream so that we are going to be waking up in a few short hours to January the 1st 2016.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Most Popular Financial Markets Analysis of 2016 - Stock Market Crash Postponed Again / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The two most unexpected political shock events of the year were Britain's EU Referendum BrExit vote that literally no one in the establishment media, markets, the pollsters or bookies saw coming, which left a newly appointment Prime Minister to explain what BrExit exactly means who response is always that "BrExit means Brexit". Though many who commentated on breakfast, I mean Brexit end up confusing the two. "Brexit means Breakfast". Anyway we shall soon find out exactly what BrExit means....
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Trump’s Praise for Putin’s Moral High Ground Exposed Obama’s Vindictiveness / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
In response to Obama’s new sanctions on Russia, illegal by any standard, Trump praised how Putin handled his action, tweeting “(g)reat move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart.”
A follow-up related tweet said “Russians are playing #CNN and @NBCNews for such fools…they don’t have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it.”
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Saturday, December 31, 2016
Gold and the SPX Stocks Bull Market / Commodities / Stock Market 2017
By: Tony_Caldaro
The market started the week at SPX 2264. On Tuesday the market rallied to SPX 2274 in the opening minutes and then started to pullback. The pullback lasted all week, with one 9 point rally along the way, and hit SPX 2234 on Friday before bouncing to end the week at 2239. For the week the SPX/DOW lost 1.0%, and the NDX/NAZ lost 1.5%. Economic reports for the week were slightly positive. On the downtick: pending home sales, the Chicago PMI, plus the trade deficit increased. On the uptick: Case-Shiller, consumer confidence, the WLEI, plus weekly jobless claims decreased. Next week economic highlights: monthly payrolls, FOMC minutes and the ISMs. Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Bitcoin and Friends in 2017 / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Submissions
Greetings from Planet Krypto. We are the real deal, long-timer cryptographic-currency geeks; and today I’m gonna interview me, because I know what questions to ask. Please pardon the over-simplifications:
One: will Bitcoin continue to rise in price?
Yes, because consciousness of the deterioration of fiat currencies is growing. Three years ago, the notion that macroeconomic events would ultimately be the primary price-driver of cryptocurrency prices was almost unheard of. It’s now a no-brainer.
[And the Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF? Nooo era! Feel free to ask me.]
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Barack Obama’s Legacy: War, Debt and Poverty / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
As 2016 winds down, so does Barack O’Bomber’s $80 million in paid vacations and his legacy of war, debt and poverty.
It’s quite amazing how much one man can ruin a country while playing so much golf.
Just 12 days after being elected, Barack Obama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He accepted the prize in Oslo on December 10, 2009.
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Saturday, December 31, 2016
Ready for New Year 2017 Massive Rally in Gold and SIlve rand Junior Miners / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2017
By: Jeb_Handwerger
The Trump presidential election win has pushed capital into a major risk on rally, benefiting stocks, energy and the US dollar.
Interest rates are soaring in line with the Dow breaking 20k indicating major inflationary pressures.
Commodities such as industrial metals, copper and oil are rallying.
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Saturday, December 31, 2016
Stock Market Dow Closes 2016 Up 13.4% Confounding Perma Bear Doom Merchants For 8th Year! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Dow Jones stock market index closed 2016 up 2338 points at 19,763, up 13.4% for year confounding the doom merchants who saw every surprise event of 2016 from Januarys oil price collapse to Britain's Brexit EU Referendum vote to America's very own self professed Mr BrExit, Donald Trump shocking the American establishment elite by winning the US Presidential election, all and more were apparently definite harbingers for a stock market apocalypse, reaching their most vocal just as the stocks bottomed and surged higher.
Friday, December 30, 2016
SPX Stock Market Flash Crash May be Developing / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX cleared and retested Intermediate-term support/resistance now at 2256.83 this morning. It was a pleasant surprise to see it begin a new impulse lower. Although shallow, the new impulse tells us that there is room to decline. It is also a prime candidate for a flash crash as early as today. If the decline remains impulsive and gains momentum, we may see a low as early as Tuesday mid-day. SPX is on a sell signal.
Friday, December 30, 2016
FTSE Stock Market Index Ends 2016 at BrExit New All Time High, Clueless Financial Press / Stock-Markets / UK Stock Market
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The FTSE ended 2016's last day of trading at a NEW ALL TIME high of 7,142, which according the mainstream financial press's reporting for virtually the whole year was an IMPOSSIBLE outcome. After all the surprise BrExit EU Referendum vote result was supposed to have heralded a crash, collapse, recession new bear market, NONE of which materialised!