Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, May 23, 2008
Oil based Stock Indexes are Top Global Performers / Stock-Markets / Crude Oil
By: Donald_W_Dony

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Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Stocks Stealth Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Money_and_Markets
Last year, when the Dow was hovering near its all-time high of 14,198, I issued my forecast that the next big move in the stock market would be a sharp decline to 11,600.
On January 22 of this year, the Dow hit 11,634.82. Since then, it's been seesawing up and down, gyrating wildly, yet with an upward bias, reaching as high as 13,136.69 on May 19.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Warren Buffett Bargain Hunting in Germany / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Martin_Hutchinson
Investors have been watching Berkshire Hathaway Inc. ( BRK.A , BRK.B ) Chairman Warren Buffett's moves for years to see which investments are going to take off next.
Back in October, the Oracle of Omaha's trip to South Korea encouraged our own bullishness on that country's stock market.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Day Free Markets Died / Stock-Markets / Credit Crunch
By: Doug_Wakefield

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
How to Cash in on China's Chuppies' Spending Spree / Stock-Markets / China Stocks
By: Money_and_Markets
Tony Sagami writes: Even though I'm the right age, I've never considered myself to be a yuppie. Even when I was young and dumb, I never drove a BMW ... bought a Rolex ... or belonged to a country club. But I know a yuppie when I see one and China is full of them.
And unlike the U.S. where there is debate about how rapidly the economy and consumer spending are slowing, chuppies are making sure there is no such concern in China.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Stock Market Euphoria May Prove Premature / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets
By: Prieur_du_Plessis
Equity bulls experienced another good week based on the viewpoint that the worst of the credit crisis might be behind us. A further improvement in investor sentiment and increased risk appetite caused market participants to cast aside a mixed bag of economic and corporate data and look across the “economic valley”.
This raises the question of whether the stock market euphoria is premature. Bill Gross of PIMCO ( Money News ) said the recovery is primarily due to federal policy moves to restore liquidity. It won't last long, Gross warns. “Recession, and its vicious-cycle effect on employment and consumer spending, remains a threat,” Gross says. “This recession, though currently mild, and, as of yet, not even officially validated, may not be your garden-variety, father's-Oldsmobile type of downturn.”
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Monday, May 19, 2008
American Armageddon: How to Win the Epic Battle for Your Wealth / Stock-Markets / Stagflation
By: Money_and_Markets
Martin D. Weiss writes: Just when Wall Street was hoping for some relief from surging energy costs, crude oil prices surged more than $3 on Friday ... spiking to nearly $128 a barrel ... shattering all prior records ... and driving prices at the pump perilously close to $4 per gallon.
Worse, next week, despite the highest gas prices in U.S. history, millions of U.S. drivers will start hitting the road as Memorial Day kicks off the summer driving season. And last week, despite a last-ditch attempt to head off the expected crisis, President Bush failed to persuade the Saudis to pump more oil.
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Stock Market Cyclic Turning Points– Current Market Outlook / Stock-Markets / Cycles Analysis
By: Jim_Curry

For the short-term, a minor cycle up was due to take the various indexes higher into approximately May 19 th , which was plus or minus a day in either direction. Once the next minor cycle peak is complete, then a retrace lower should be seen into around May 26 th , which is also plus or minus a day in either direction (chart 1). At minimum, that drop should take the index back to or below it's 9-day moving average, however there is still the potential that a larger drop could be seen, simply again based upon the extended position of the 45-day cycle. However, for this 45-day component to actually confirm a peak in place, an intraday push below the 1384.01 figure would now be needed, the new ‘reversal point' for this cycle.
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Dow Transports Hitting New All-time Highs / Stock-Markets / Elliott Wave Theory
By: Joseph_Russo
Before we begin our look at the roaring Transportation average, we would like to return your attention to our previous week's article entitled “ Spring-Break ”. Last week's piece did a fine job of calling a precise short–term tradable low in the Dow.
Below we re-present the chart from last week's article. Within that article, previous guidance suggested, “For select traders, proprietary criteria also provided another exit or potentially early reversal signal near the close at 12734.” The follow-up chart illustrates how the reversal signal turned out to be a rather precise one, and by no means early.
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Stock Market Tentative Rally to Undergo Short-term Correction / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market.
SPX: Long-term trend - Election years that fall in the 8th year of the Decennial pattern call for consolidation in the early part of the year followed by a strong finish. This is the pattern that the market has made so far this year. But the 6-yr cycle which is scheduled to bottom in late Summer/early Fall could play a restraining role, followed by an eventual bull market top in 2009-2010.
SPX: Intermediate trend - The intermediate correction came to an end on 3/17. The index is now in a cautious uptrend which is about to undergo a short-term consolidation.
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Monday, May 19, 2008
US Toxic Economy and the Questionable Stock Market Advance / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Tim_Wood

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Monday, May 19, 2008
The Effect of Fed Liquidity Facilities on the Markets / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Mick_Phoenix
Welcome to the weekly report. This week we look at inflation and deflation, the Dow, gold and FTSE but start with a look at a recent speech by William C. Dudley who is the executive vice president of the Markets Group at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He is also the manager of the System Open Market Account for the Federal Open Market Committee. The Markets Group oversees domestic open market and foreign exchange trading operations and the provisions of account services to foreign central banks.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Stock Market Response to US Economic Collapse in September? / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Clif_Droke
A rumor is swirling around the Internet that an inglorious end to the U.S. economy is imminent. Unlike previous rumors to this effect, this one carries the weight of recent events in the financial realm and has many believing the rumor will come to pass.
Let's examine some of the claims being made: On March 18, 2008, a “closed door” session of Congress was held for only the fourth time in history. According to House Rule XVII, clause 9, it is forbidden for members of the U.S. House of Representatives to reveal the discussions held behind those doors. The penalty for leaking such information includes loss of seniority, fines, reprimand, censure or expulsion. According to news sources, one purpose of the meetings was to discuss new surveillance techniques to be used by U.S. Homeland Security. Rumors continue to swirl as to what the other topics of discussion took place in that meeting.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Stock Market Technically Overbought Coupled Negative Seasonal Factors / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Mike_Burk
The good news is Most of the major indices hit multi month highs last week.
Short Term The market is over bought.
As of last Friday, the S&P mid cap index was up for the 7 consecutive days for the first time in over a year. Longer term this is a good sign, but, for the next week or so continued upward progress is likely to be limited.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Profit From the Worlds Most Powerful Trading Alliance Between China and Japan / Stock-Markets / Asian Economies
By: Martin_Hutchinson
Chinese President Hu Jintao and Japanese Prime Minister Yauo Fukuda met recently and signed some modest cooperation agreements. That doesn't sound much to get excited about, until you consider how well the Chinese and Japanese economies fit together.
Think of it this way: With China's boundless supply of low-cost labor and Japan's superb education system - and an ability to work together that's clearly founded on considerable commonality of thinking - these two countries, as a pair, will be world-beaters.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Rise of Stagflation Means the End of Fiat Asset Wealth / Stock-Markets / Stagflation
By: Richard_Gorton

Stagflation in the US
I choose to believe as HousingPanic does, that it's hilarious to believe the Government's inflation report which showed nearly 0% inflation .
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Global Economy Heading for Economic Slump for 2008-09? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets
By: Anthony_Cherniawski

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Friday, May 16, 2008
Stock Markets 2008- Sell in May and Go Away? / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Hans_Wagner

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Friday, May 16, 2008
S&P Developing Bullish Pattern, While Crude Oil Still Refuses to Rest / Stock-Markets / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Mike_Paulenoff

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Credit Crisis Investment Round Table- There's Still Life After Sub-prime / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: William_R_Thomson

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