Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, July 05, 2009
Stock Market Investors Roller Coaster Ride Hit by Bad U.S. Jobs Data / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
By: Prieur_du_Plessis
“Words from the Wise” this week again comes to you in a shortened format as I am still on the road in Europe (also see my post “Gone A.W.O.L. - to Slovenia and Switzerland“) and do not have access to my normal research resources. Although only brief commentary is provided, a full dose of excerpts from interesting news items and quotes from market commentators is included.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Teck Sector Plays Key Role in Economic Recovery / Stock-Markets / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Bob Blandeburgo writes: If the last three months are any indication, the U.S. tech sector has shaken off its recession-heightened late-winter doldrums, and could see its fortunes soar in the year’s second half as businesses and consumers open their wallets and the broader economy picks up speed.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Global Wealth Report Shows the Way to Investing Profits / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: Capgemini/Merrill Lynch World Wealth Report appeared last week and it makes for some grim reading.
But it also provides global investors with some insights into the best markets to invest in.
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Saturday, July 04, 2009
Stock Market Potential Trend Changer / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
By: Jack_Steiman
There has been one constant since the March lows. Once we blasted up off the bottom, the S&P 500 took but a few weeks to clear the 50-day exponential moving average. Once over, it had never relinquished that key moving average until Thursday. Basically above for four months. When you lose a substantial moving average after that length of time, you need to take notice of this event and what the message is that it could quite conceivably be sending.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Elliott Wave International Financial Forecasting Service Discount Offer / Stock-Markets / Elliott Wave Theory
Have you heard the news …
"Wall Street Returns to Health," a mainstream media website declared last week.
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Friday, July 03, 2009
Yen Carry Trade Suggests Global Stock Markets Base Building Underway / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Donald_W_Dony
The "Yen carry trade" has provided traders with a reliable source of near-endless funds for many years. This pool of capital has helped fuel the 2002-2007 bull market. Technical evidence (Chart 1) illustrates the Japanese Yen verses the Dow Jones World Stock Index. Since 2002, the Yen has been trading flat or drifting downward against the USD$. Traders have been shorting the Yen and using the funds to purchase stocks, currencies and high-yielding securities around the world.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Banking Stocks Short Selling Ban Reinstatement SEC Idiocy / Stock-Markets / Market Manipulation
By: Mike_Shedlock
Inquiring minds are reading S.E.C. May Reinstate Rules for Short-Selling Stocks.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Economic Recovery Green Shoots Doused with Herbicide / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
By: PaddyPowerTrader
Well, that green shoots guff got one on the chin yesterday and stocks got mauled by the bears. The S&P 500 dived 2.85% and oil closed off 3.75% as a sobering Non Farm Payrolls slumped 467k, about 100k more than the wide eyed consensus expectation. Lookout below! The U.S. unemployment rate (red) Versus the S&P 500 monthly chart since 1993. Mmmmmm. Also worthy of a mention is that as those green shoots wither, oil has taken out trendline support and now targets the recent low at 66.25 and the 3rd of June low at 64.95.
Friday, July 03, 2009
U.S. Unemployment Soars Whilst Fed Funnels More Cash to the Banksters / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Employment situation takes a turn for the worse
Nonfarm payroll employment continued to decline in June (-467,000), and the unemployment rate was little changed at 9.5 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Job losses were widespread across the major industry sectors, with large declines occurring in manufacturing, professional and business services, and construction.
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Thursday, July 02, 2009
Profiting From Stock Market Sector Dead Cat Bounces / Stock-Markets / Sector Analysis
By: DeepCaster_LLC
To profit from Sector Dead-Cat Bounces one must first determine which Sectors do not Dead-Cat Bounce.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Stock Market Seasonality What is Going to Happen with the Upcoming July 4th Holiday? / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
By: Angelo_Campione
This issue combines a feature on seasonality with our outlook. With the rally progressing into the July 4th holiday, what will happen next?
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Stock Market and Dollar Upward Wedge Patterns - Signs of the times / Stock-Markets / CRB Index
By: Garry_Abeshouse
Over the last 12 months, the USD and now US equities, have formed bearish upward wedge formations on the charts. Upward wedges are usually well defined patterns showing weakening upward momentum, hence the shape. These patterns are known to be very common in stocks during bear markets and were especially so during the period 1929 to 1932.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Stock Markets Jump Out Of The Gate Before Fading / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
By: PaddyPowerTrader
Despite the weakish US mortgage applications, ADP jobs and ISM numbers, it looks like your friendly fund manager is front running the perma-bull, expected 2nd half recovery green shoots story. He also went pilling into stocks at the off yesterday running the Dow up 133 points. Food stocks were the big winners with Kraft up 5% and General Mills raising its 2010 guidance. However stocks failed to maintain their upward momentum and pared their gains in low volume trading, following decidedly downbeat comments from GM (government motors) about creditor payments, weakness in financials and disappointing auto sales. Add to this too, the Governator I.O.U of California declaring a state of “fiscal emergency” put the pressure on.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Million Dollar Question, What's Next for S&P 500 Stock Market Index / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Valuations
By: Prasoon_Gopal
S&P 500 has rallied over 40% in the last 3 months. It takes over 5 years under "normal" circumstances for such a rally to occur. But again, folks will say, it takes as many years for 50% downside as well. So, i will rest this discussion at peace.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Rising Financial Markets See Brighter Times / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
By: Aden_Forecast
It’s been a wild ride this past year, but the markets are now on the upswing. Following a rough year where most of the markets dropped sharply, then stayed dull for a while, they’re finally headed higher. Most important, these are significant rises.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Faber & Greenspan: Shills for Fed Snake Oil on Deflation and Hyperinflation / Stock-Markets / Market Manipulation
By: Adrian_Ash
"Just how can the Fed credibly promise to be irresponsible...?"
HERE'S A THOUGHT – that tiny handful of investors and analysts warning how Fed policy risks hyper-inflation are in fact doing the central bank's work.
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Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Investors Buying into a Stock Market with Falling Corporate Earnings / Stock-Markets / Corporate Earnings
By: John_Browne
Through its rhetoric and actions, the Obama Administration has made it clear that no matter the current or future costs, the federal government will not allow a collapse of the banking system. The resulting aura of certitude has, in turn, encouraged investors to roll the dice one more time. Some of these investors are likely trying to make good prior investment losses through speculative trading in U.S. equities. The surety of the government guarantee has sadly allowed them to overlook the fact that U.S. corporate earnings continue to fall.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Yields in Stocks Versus Treasuries are Abnormally High / Stock-Markets / Dividends
By: John_Handbury
The “yield” from stocks is simply the amount earned by the stock divided by the price that the stock trades at. So the “yield” on the S&P500 is the inverse of the P/E ratio, in percent.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
How to Profit From Japan's Stock Market Shareholder Crisis / Stock-Markets / Japanese Stock Market
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: KYOTO, Japan - Mention Japan and many people think of Geisha, castles and samurai. Mention investing in Japan and the image of an impenetrable wall comes to mind.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Stock Market S&P 500 Index Trend Update for July 2009 / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
Today I'm going to take another look at the S&P 500 Index. It appears that some of the rose coloring on traders' glasses is beginning to wear thin. Many more traders now perceive this as a two way trading market as opposed to a one way street we witnessed in March and April.