Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, March 24, 2013
Protect Your Retirement with Stock Market Crash "Insurance" / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon writes: We buy insurance on our houses, our cars and even on our artwork and jewelry.
But that's not the case with our retirement savings - the money we spend our working lifetimes to amass - the money that will be our sole means of support once we stop working.
With our 401(k)s, IRAs and other socked-away savings, we're content to "let it ride."
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Stock Market Uptrend Trying to Extend / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Tony_Caldaro
Quite a choppy week in the US markets after four gaps openings. We had to go back to the end of June 2012 to find a similar week of indecision. That one ended with the indices eventually moving higher. For the week the SPX/DOW were mixed, and the NDX/NAZ were mixed. Asian markets lost 1.6%, European markets lost 1.9%, and the DJ World index lost 1.0%. On the economic front, reports continue to come in positive. On the uptick: housing starts, building permits, the FHFA index, existing home sales, the Philly FED, leading indicators, the WLEI, and the monetary base. On the downtick: the NAHB index and weekly jobless claims rose. Next week we get the final revision to Q4 GDP, the Chicago PMI and PCE prices.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
South Korea KOSPI Stock Market Forecast / Stock-Markets / South Korea
By: Manas_Banerji
It looks like that chance of making a new up trend is getting far for Kospi. Last time I was saying that Kospi has a good chance of making medium-term bearish pattern if it breaks levels below around 1940 range and now that fear is more convincing. If this bearish pattern triggers then Kospi may test levels below 1900.
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Stock Market Bends....Doesn't Break..... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Jack_Steiman
The market looked to finally start a sell-off on Thursday as there was a strong gap down after Mr. Bernanke spoke on Wednesday. The gap was the real deal as many leading stocks broke down below their 50-day exponential moving averages and did so on confirming volume. Finally, said the bears. Something we can dig our teeth into. The bears were feeling as if they finally had the bulls on their knees. A sustainable pullback was imminent. Or so they thought. It doesn't mean it won't happen, but today we saw a decent gap up that extended throughout the day with the market basically closing on its highs. The bulls are doing what they've been doing for a long time and that's to buy every single dip because they feel things can't go bad for them. And who can blame them.
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Cyprus Crisis Investor Opportunity and Risk Rockets / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: DeepCaster_LLC
A Climacteric began in the International Economy and Markets last week. Its Ramifications have not been widely acknowledged. It provides Great Opportunity and Great Risk. Moreover, this Mega-Development signaled that a Great Opportunity Window is beginning to close. And it signaled loud and clear that The Great Danger of which we have earlier written is approaching ever nearer.
The Opportunity which may well not arise again in our lifetimes. So it is important to carefully consider the implications of that Mega-Development for citizens, savers, and investors around the entire World, including the Great Risks to which it also gives rise.
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Cyprus - Little Island, Big Problem / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Steve_H_Hanke
Who’s going to bail out Cyprus: Brussels or Moscow? That’s the multibillion-dollar question. In mid-March, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund proposed a rescue package for the tiny island—to the tune of roughly $20.5 billion. But this bailout proposal was different: $13 billion in aid being offered was conditional upon Cyprus raising the remaining $7.5 billion through a hefty one-time tax on its bank depositors. Not surprisingly, the Cypriots, among others, were not pleased with this idea. And on March 19, to Brussels’s surprise, the Cypriot Parliament overwhelmingly rejected the bailout package. Officials are now scrambling to arrive at a solution before March 26, when Cypriot banks are scheduled to reopen.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The Return of Stock Market Dow 36,000 Forecast / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Clif_Droke
Some of you may remember the unforgettable title of the 1999 financial best-seller, Dow 36,000. It made a lot of waves back during the heyday of the internet stocks and day trading, but unfortunately for the authors, the timing of the book's release was less than ideal. The market topped out in late '99 and the infamous "tech wreck" followed in 2000. To this day, Dow 36,000 is considered as the ultimately example of a contrarian indicator - that is, when a book cover announces an extremely bullish forecast, the end is usually near for the bull.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Cyprus Crisis, Stock Market and Platinum / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Cyprus lawmakers this week rejected a controversial euro bailout package, which would have set a dangerous precedent by taxing ordinary bank depositors to pay part of the bill. How will it imply the stock market? Will it make platinum any less appealing - especially relative to gold? Let's take a look.
The genie has been let out of the bottle. The fact that a democratic government could propose such a plan is a game changer. Ordinary people everywhere now know that putting their savings into insured bank accounts is no longer a guarantee of a good night's sleep. When governments are in desperate financial straits they will not hesitate to plunder the accounts of ordinary savers and investors. And that make gold all the more attractive.
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Friday, March 22, 2013
Warning Stock and Bond Market Crash / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Dr_Martenson
After the shot across the bow in 2008, you might have expected that regulators and market participants would use the experience to change for the better, to become more prudent, and to reduce the sorts of risky behaviors that almost crashed the entire system.
Unfortunately, you'd be wrong.
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Friday, March 22, 2013
Confiscation, Market Manipulation and the Wars Against Everyman / Stock-Markets / Market Manipulation
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Confiscation — both direct and indirect forms — and market manipulation tend to go hand in hand when it comes to forecasting the silver market’s future.
Furthermore, ongoing silver pricing issues include the overwhelming concentration of silver shorts, as bullion banks act like producers and push paper prices lower without ever being forced to deliver physical metal into a futures contract.
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Friday, March 22, 2013
Don't Ignore Meredith Whitney's Bullish Stock Market Call / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Money_Morning
Ben Gersten writes: Meredith Whitney, the prominent banking analyst known for making aggressive bearish calls, just made a strikingly bullish call on U.S. stocks.
She says the United States is the best place for investment and that it offers the highest returns, particularly after the mess in Cyprus has refueled fears of a Eurozone breakup.
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Friday, March 22, 2013
Warning Latest Cyprus Ultimatum Could Derail the Eurozone / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: You probably know the story by now.
Following riots in the streets and a run on local banks, Cypriot lawmakers voted down a key element of the European Central Bank's (ECB) bailout proposal that would have required the country to impose a one-time 9.9% tax on bank deposits of more than 100,000 euros and a 6.75% tax on bank deposits under that amount.
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Dealing with QE-Wars and Fiat Currency Devaluations / Stock-Markets / Fiat Currency
By: Gary_Dorsch
Whether you live in Cyprus, England, Japan, the United States, or elsewhere, the battle for financial survival is taking on new dimensions. At issue is the steady dilution of the purchasing power of money that is perpetrated by the world’s central banks, and worries about confiscation and taxation of monies by government authorities. Even the giant Multi-Nationals, that stashed trillions of dollars in offshore tax havens, are feeling a bit uneasy about reports that the G-20 plans to crackdown on their money laundering schemes in the future.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Stock Market Bubble is Based on Unsustainable Earnings / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Michael_Pento
The most pervasive question on Wall Street these days is if the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is at a record level in nominal terms, reflects strong corporate profits and an improving economy; or simply has been achieved by the manipulations of the Federal Reserve. For me, this is sophomoric question to ask because, in reality, there can be no separating what the Fed has been able to achieve for the economy through its artificial measures and the effect it has had on corporate earnings.
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Euro Banking System On The Verge Of Collapse / Stock-Markets / Eurozone Debt Crisis
By: Jeff_Berwick
News came out yesterday that all Cypriot banks will continue to be closed until at least next Tuesday and may remain closed permanently.
Last week, the European Central Bank threatened to cut the Emergency Liquidity Assistance which Cyprus had been receiving unless Cyprus’ major banks implemented legislation which would “tax” all investors who have accounts in Cypriot banks an amount up to 9.9 percent of their total deposits. The tax was rejected by the Cyprus parliament on Tuesday.
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Fed Keeps It Going..... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Jack_Steiman
The market was waiting on Mr. Bernanke today to make sure that the status quo was with us for a long time to come. The market was not in the mood to hear anything related to van imminent rate-hike cycle or the removal of the liquidity machine he has had on for what seems like forever. He did not disappoint as he kept things the same and said he would be holding things as they are for a very long time to come as the unemployment rate is still far too high at 7.7%. The real rate as we know is far higher than that as those who can no longer apply for weekly aid are not counted. The estimated number is well up in the teens.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Savers Beware! Confessions from the Leading Edge of the Financial Crisis / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Ben_Traynor
Long, long ago, in a booming bank far from Cyprus...
"WE'RE TOP of the Best Buy table again," my manager said, "so we're expecting A LOT of business."
And so it proved. The bank I worked for at time saw millions pour through the door in deposits.
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Is This the Mila Kunis Stock Market Top? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Investment_U
Marc Lichtenfeld writes: In case you haven’t noticed, the market has been on a tear. Since mid-November, the S&P 500 is up 16%. It has gone practically straight up since February 26. It’s gone up 10 of the last 13 trading sessions.
So it’s no surprise that bears and skeptics are looking for reasons for the market to turn south.
And last week they got a good one. Actress Mila Kunis told CNBC she’s started investing in stocks.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Should Stock Market Investors Still Trust the Dow Theory as a "Buy" Signal? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Money_Morning
Ben Gersten writes: Richard Russell - godfather of financial newsletters, author, Dow Theory expert and longtime bear - just turned bullish.
One reason for his conversion: the Dow Theory, which is said to have formed the basis for all modern technical analysis through its definition of a trend and its reliance on studying price action.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Stock, Commodity and Euro Market Cycles / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
The Euro is losing its battle with its Head & Shoulders neckline and mid-Cycle support which temporarily slowed its decline. It appears that gravity may take over at any time now, since both supports appear to have been violated. The real surprise is that it has held on for so long despite the erosion in the pattern. It is time for a steeper decline to follow.